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Stay Calm & Cynful
No free advertising without Her 's approval
Admins decisions are final
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What to do if I'm interested in seeking Her?Contact her via one of these platforms below & leave a message. Secondlife : FlawlessBeaute Resident Email Discord: GoddessCyndeza Emails without tributes attached will be ignored! $DBeautelarosa or Amazon E Giftcard with email.
Do I have to submit both Real Life & Second Life?Its totally up to you if you want both or one . Pleae be open and transparent about your availability,preferences, and limits if any when speaking with Her. Communication is the key.
Does Goddess Cyn post everyone & everything?No, she doesn't. All posts are related to memories or events in Her life including tasks that her slaves and subs performed under her order. All informations was given to Her with consents under agreements with all parties on my sole right to use it however I pleased. Goddess Cyndeza respects the privacy of thoses whom seek not to be publically humilated or exposed due to many reasons. Goddess Cyndeza offers mercy protections to anyone who want to be remain on the site but seek requests their background or face to be blurred out.Contact Her for information on such.
Seek request from Her to be removed from site?If you seek Her mercy to be removed from site: You must speak to Goddess Cyndeza in order to discuss what you may have to do in order to have your agreement or consent to be discarded permamantly. Once the request is accepted, please give Her 7-14 business days to remove all contents on site before contacting Her again. You will be automatically denied of this request if you owe Her any debt. Please contact Her to arrange to seek mercy on such with consequences.
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